
Thursday, February 19, 2009

That was when I saw the Pendulum

Dear Marcilio:

What had seemed for us a very long time of changes is now adjusted and I think that we will have some hours to devote to all items we had discussed and talked last years.

And I intend to do this by following the intuition of writing what we had discussed here in Rio and in your house in São Paulo. The reason for that is that I just read the book of Marie-Louise von Franz on the great Karl Gustav Jung and I hope to have in that book the references I need to our task. Having that in mind, let us begin.

What do we really have?

An instrument of measure, an unit of measure in fact, something we denominated a canon, a basic measure that was used by ours ancestors in the construction of some monuments. The way we used to arrive to such canon will be seen further.

And we have a data on the peculiar behavior of some people when in the vicinities of a special solid, behavior that we refer, in a generic way, as being under the influence of a kind of shape energy. In our case the shape chosen was the pyramidal one, and the reasons for that are described latter on.

This is everything we have and the utilization of these two things resulted is an all-private theory that surprised us for the range and power of their application. Our study has a didactic formulation that is explicit in its own story, in the way we transmit it, and for this reason, although we agree we should give to it an impersonal presentation, much of its meaning can be derived of one step-by-step report.

So, that is what I intend to do, suddenly, in this very hot day in Rio, with the help of this word processor, in the middle of a torrential rain. And I will talk, once again, to myself, everything that happened to me and to us, beginning in that very far month of March in 1973.

In that year my company bought a second hand airplane Boeing 727-100 from a Canadian airline named Wardair.

His headquarters are in Edmonton, a small city in center-west of Canada and I was designated to verify the records of this airplane and its engineering status. I had with me the company of a captain who would verify the operational aspects and the differences of that airplane to the four ones we already operated, three bought new brand from the manufacturer and one bought from a company named Airwest.

The mission was a success and we bought that airplane. It was during that mission that happened a fact that would change my life and became, for me since then and for you latter, the main focus of my attention and the subject that fulfill all my days in the following years, all full of revelations and pure enchantment.


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